Saturday, March 18, 2017


March, 2003
Hi, World! It’s me, Taffy! I know I haven’t written in a while. There are just so many things for a little puppy like me to explore and play with that I have been quite busy. I have been in my Forever Home for three months now and I love it more every day. I love my People more every day, too, especially my Mommy. She takes me for a walk when she gets home and we get to explore all sorts of wonderful smells.

Yesterday was what Mommy called “A really nice day.” She snapped on my leash when she got home and instead of just taking me for a walk around the park near our house we took a really LONG walk to a place called “The River.” My paws needed to walk really fast and in the end Mommy picked me up for a bit. When we got to The River, Mommy said dogs like me were not really allowed it, but she wanted me to see something called “Boats”, so she carried me in anyway. There weren’t many other people around, but there were a whole bunch of funny looking birds. Mommy said they are called “geese.” They honked and waddled and flapped their wings and just acted silly.
Image result for marcus hook riverAnyway, Mommy took me right up to the edge of The River and pointed to some big things floating on the water. She said they are called Boats and they carry things and people to other places. I don’t know why anyone would want to go to other places, because here is just perfect.

We sat on a bench for a while and Mommy said it was time to go back. I was getting a little sleepy, so I was glad. I jumped off the bench and Mommy and I ran for a few minutes on our way back home. Then, I saw the funniest thing! It was a little animal, smaller than my cat cousins, and he had a long and bushy tail. He made funny little chippy sounds and Mommy said he was called a Squirrel. I thought it would be fun to play with him, so I chased after him, barking out “Do you want to play?”I guess Squirrels do not understand Dog. He looked sort of scared—which I was sorry about—and then he scampered up a tree as fast as he could. I ran right up to that tree and kept telling him that I only wanted to play. And although I do not understand Squirrel, I am pretty sure he said something rude.
Image result for squirrel
Mommy laughed and bent down to cuddle me. “What were you going to do if you caught the squirrel?” she asked me. I did not have a good answer, but I thought about it on the way back to my Forever Home. I got really tired towards the end and Mommy had to carry me. When we got home, I took a great big drink of water and curled up for a nap.

When I woke up, I thought again about what Mommy had asked me. What would I do if I caught the squirrel? I guess I knew that he was faster than me and that I couldn’t climb the tree. So why do it? After I thought about it for a while, I came up with the answer and I want to share it with the World. I know that sometimes Humans try to do really hard things and they cannot always do them. Sometimes they even know they cannot do them. But  that is not what matters.

The fun is not in catching the Squirrel. The fun is in the chase!

More later on, Friends! Now that I’ve had my nap, I’m going to see if I can catch a cat!

Image result for cocker spaniel and cat